Thursday, January 29, 2015

Sally Sonic part 2, introducing Guy Gray

The very next day I got a phone call about a cat that had been hit by a car the previous week. I knew the cat, I had taken him in for surgery not long ago. I had seen him the night he got hit. I was on my way home from the library when I saw him too close to the side of the road. I had stopped the car and told him to get out of the road. I guess he didn't listen to me, most cats don't. Evidently there was a squirrel in the road that had been hit, that was more interesting than his fear of the road. He is a very handsome fellow, solid gray with a bit of white on his chest. Beautiful golden eyes, and friendly. A stranger to none, he has that innocence that some animals have whom have never been treated unkindly. The folks that claimed him had said that they would take him to the vet to get him looked at. A week had passed and the poor cat was still dragging around a broken leg. I had been hearing about this poor kitty off and on for a week, it seemed that a few people were concerned about him but nobody was willing to take action. I was fed up! I called the vet and explained the cats condition and made an appointment that very day. I didn't wait to get approval for payment from the Cat Coalition, I didn't want to wait any longer the cat needed help, Now! Then I stopped at Lew's apartment and told him I had a cat situation, that the cat had been hit by a car and I didn't know what the outcome would be, that it could be a broken pelvis or he may need to have his leg amputated or even may need to be euthanized. Bless his heart he said “Bring him here”.

I went over to the house of the people that had claimed the cat, they brought the cat out from inside, his back leg was just dangling. I asked if it was their cat. They said no, I told them that I had heard that they were going to take him to the vet, they said that they had hoped he would get better on his own. I told them I would like to take the cat and do what needed to be done, they gave permission. I took the cat to Lew's, we had cleaned out the crate that Sally had been in. On this day I was the one that had a Dr.'s appointment, so Pi took Lew and the cat to the vet. The leg was broken near the hip and had to be amputated. I visited Lew and Guy Gray (Guy because he is such a pretty cat that we need reminding that he is a boy) the next day and it was remarkable how well Guy was doing. I guess after dragging around a broken leg for a week it was a relief to have it cut off. The pain he must have been in, can you imagine? Something I have learned from animals is that they are not emotionally attached to their body, if they lose a limb or an eye, they just compensate. They don't mourn the loss like we do. They live in their bodies, they are not as attached to them as we are. Something for further contemplation.

Guy was still not sure about the dog, but it didn't take him long to figure out Fate was harmless and in a short time they have become friends. It is a wonder to see the three of them together. Lew needed something to keep him going, Guy needed a loving home and Fate just needs to have someone to please and someone to play with.

We all still remember Sally, but the pain is fading. Guy cannot take her place, but he is here now and she is gone. I can only hope that as more people practice TNR (Trap-Neuter-Return) there will be less suffering in the world. There are many untold stories like Sally's, many that are much worse. Sally's end was peaceful, she wasn't hungry or cold, she didn't suffer cruelly.

I find it remarkable that Lew was willing to open his heart and home to Guy so soon after the heartbreak of Sally. I have had the honor of working with several veterans that have witnessed starvation and suffering overseas, it is these folks that are willing to sacrifice a bit themselves in order to alleviate the suffering of others. Thank you all that by your small and great acts of love you make the world a better place!

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