Thursday, March 26, 2015

What I Did On My Day Off

Well today was a rather pleasant day. Some of you folks out there may wonder what this crazy cat lady does on her days off. First of all, yes, I do have a day job. I work for a CPA, it is part time, then I trap cats part time and make handwoven jewelry to sell at a Renaissance Festival in upstate NY. Today I had the day off. After a yummy breakfast of eggs, onions, kale and feta cheese, I spent the morning typing out the blog post about dog fighting. I found myself feeling angry and sick when I imagined the cruelty visited upon those innocent animals. But I am happy to share the info in hopes that it will help stop those criminals. Then I vacuumed the couch, any one with more than one cat know what little fuzz generators those kitties are and will understand why vacuuming the coach is an almost daily chore. I baked some bread and cleaned up the kitchen. One loaf turned out well enough to take to church, but the other one didn’t turn out so well, so guess what I had for supper. Since I was being so domestic I decided to actually cook something for lunch. I made salmon patties, they turned out quite tasty. By then it had warmed up out side so BG and I did a little weeding in the garden. Then I went to town to get gas for the lawn mower and mowed most of the front yard. After a short nap I decided to work on a painting that has been in progress for quite some time. What does a crazy cat lady paint? You guessed it, Cats! In this case it is a painting of five kittens sleeping on a blanket. I will try and post a picture. Then as evening fell BG and I went off to the back acre and dug up a wheelbarrow full of cactus. I have about a third of an acre of cactus left to dig up. I have been working on it a little bit at a time. At dusk, all eight of my kitty family gathered around the back porch for brushing and play time. Rosie and Emerald both like the tennis balls. Rascal and Mia love to chase a peacock feather. All of them like to roll around in the fresh catnip I scatter about. Now it is almost time for a shower and bed. Thank you for reading my blog, Good Night! Zzzzz
PS To my church family; I hope I didn't scandalize you, if so please forgive me.

Nap Time

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