Friday, January 23, 2015

A Rainy Day in Austin,TX

Yesterday was a long chilly, tiring day. A day of steady rain temperature in the mid 40's. A good day to stay home in front of the fire. Alas, I had 7 cats loaded into the car and ready to go to Austin. I needed to by on the road by 5am, so I set an alarm for 4:30, woke up at 3:30. It didn't seem worth it to try to go back to sleep for only an hour.

Sixty miles in the dark and pouring rain, several minor adrenaline rushes and quite a few prayers, we all made it safely to AHS (Austin Humane Society). Misery loves company. A few minutes after my arrival, Marcia pulls in, she also had brought 7 cats 60 miles in the dark and rain. We commiserated for a few minutes, then retreated to the shelter of our cars.

Thank you Mike for unlocking the doors a few minutes early. Had all the cats checked in by 7am, then as my usual routine, went to MacDonald s for my second breakfast. Then to my favorite parking lot to catch some zzz's. I spent a few peaceful hours napping snug in my car. Unfortunately I can only sleep so long before the chill and aches creep in. What to do until the cats are ready to go home. Walmart? Nothing I really needed. Goodwill? Every time I go I spend money, plus not a good day to by trying on clothes, I had too many layers on. Plus 'taint natural undressing when it is cold outside. So I did something that Rennies do when the weather is bad, I went to see a movie. American Sniper, not a good rainy day movie, good guys and bad guys. I wish life were that simple.

Uneventful ride home in the rain, all kitties fed in my car and tucked in for the night with a heat lamp to keep them warm. It took a while, but the wood stove finally got the house warm, after a hot shower I was ready for bed.

Fast forward... 5am I am awake again, this time waiting for daybreak so I can see to release the captives. This is one of my favorite parts of the job. It is such a relief for them, after being though so much to be back in familiar surroundings and for me to relinquish responsibility for them. Also by now they can be pretty stinky, I am always anxious to get the traps out of my car, laundry sorted and the car aired out, which will be a challenge today as... it is still raining!


Chess Club Café Kitty

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